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I've been working on literary magazines since 2009. When I got to college, the only way to be involved was to take the class that produced the official university literary magazine. I couldn't do that right away. This waiting game pushed me into thinking about how to take publishing into my own hands. All I had at the time were my own doodles and lots of emotions and endless battery life in my ipod. I call this my Bright Eyes & Burritos phase. Or my emo phase. Not long after, a zine named after the former sprung out of my messy journal/sketchbook. It was completed somewhere between the corner table in my favorite starbucks, and a late lamplit september night I probably should've been doing homework. Instead, I wrote "pizza [pi symbol] press" on the last page. My own inside joke -- this accidentally messy but deliberately produced zine: the work of a press. Ha! Even if the press was just me alone in my room, listening to the same three Kevin Devine songs on a loop into the night.


Seven years later, Pizza Pi Press is a multi-human operation with a less than nebulous homebase in Boston, MA. Under our umbrella is Maps for Teeth, a magazine exploring heritage / culture / community / environment in relation to identity. We also have a roster of poets & illustrators, both published and forthcoming on our press. Some of these names: Elaine Hsiang, Melissa Lozada-Oliva, Tiffany Mallery, Jayy Dodd, JR Mahung, Jonathan Mendoza, Zenaida Peterson, and more. We have anthologies in the works & a vision for a more active role in our local art communities. Join us as we move forward!




art on this page by tiffany mallery
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